Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rain, rain and more rain......

I hope everyone is doing fine. We are doing good. If the rain doesn't stop soon I may need to go out and buy a boat. It has rained here for over 24 hours now. At times the rain is slow and steady but other times it's coming down in buckets. The thunder and lightening kept waking us up last night. It was the type of thunder that rattles the windows. In other words the really scary thunder...I'm glad it's over for now. The way I understand there are more showers on the way.

I need to do some more bragging on Terry. He has made the Dean's list at school again. He is doing so well and we are so proud of him. He just started summer semester and the classes he has are Accounting II and Business Law. With him working full-time he's only able to take 2 classes a semester.

That's about all that is going on up here in Ohio. Don't we live such exciting lives....:) Oh well, I would rather have a boring life and be happy and content than to have a lot of drama going on all the time. Have a nice day. Take care.

1 comment:

Wanna B Losing said...

We have had some rain here too with what was could have turned into tornadoes. Tell Terry Good Job!