Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day


I hope all mother's out there had a nice Mother's Day.  Terry came up and we went out to dinner at Yamato's Japanese Restaurant.  I love Sushi so we ordered 3 different Sushi rolls and then I had the Hibachi Chicken with vegetables which was so good.  

When we got back to the house Terry gave me my Mother's Day present.  He got me a beautiful hanging plant.  It's a New Guinea Impatient.  So pretty!


Below are some pictures of Bob and Terry planting my annuals, also Terry cutting up limbs that fell off our Maple tree and Terry removing "helicopters" from the gutters.

Terry and I had Bob take a couple pictures of us together.  Aren't we cute!

As you can tell the sun was pretty bright.  I needed a hat like Terry.  I hadn't realized how badly I need a haircut until I seen these pictures. 

I had a great Mother's Day and I am so proud to have Terry as my son. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I wanted to share a picture of my beautiful Azalea bush.  There are hundreds of blooms on it this year. The white one is larger than the pink one in the background.

So pretty, huh!!

From nowhere a red Tulip appeared in our landscaping this year.  It is growing in the middle of another plant.  Bob just loves it so I am going to plant more Tulips for next year.

We bought the flowers for my pots yesterday.  We got Wave Petunias, Geraniums and Impatients.  Terry will be here on Sunday so he is going to help us get everything planted. 

I totally blew my diet today.  We spent all morning running errands and instead of going home and eating lunch we decided to go to Steak n' Shake.  Well, I absolutely love milkshakes and of course, I couldn't pass up having one.  It was really, really good.

I'm upset with myself now.  Guess it's all the guilt.  Oh, well.

I need to get back to some cleaning.  Take care.