Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring cleaning....

It's that time of year again...The time we all dread....The time when all the dirt collected over the winter must be taken care of... Even though we all know it's coming, we still wish we didn't have to do it... It's "spring cleaning time!!"

So, with bucket, mop, broom, dust pan, rags, and cleaners all in hand I started working on my house this week. I'm far from done but I have to say that the rooms I have finished look brighter and cleaner.

Once everything is done then how long will the house look nice?...A day, maybe two! Then it's back to cleaning again but at least I won't have to do the deep spring cleaning again for another year...That's a comforting thought.

So, to all spring cleaners...Just remember, your not the only one out there who is spending time cleaning their house. Once we are done we can reap the rewards and have a clean, dust bunny free, nice smelling house even if it's only for a short period of time.

Take care.

1 comment:

Tina said...

So when you are done do you want to come to my house and do mine? LOL I have done some deep cleaning but not a lot!