Friday, November 7, 2008

It's Friday...

We are having a absolutely beautiful day here. My windows are open and nice cool air is circulating through and right now it feels great. It's supposed to turn cold tomorrow and we have a possibility of snow showers tomorrow evening...Winter is on the way!

I am so proud of myself..I joined our local "Y" last week and I have gone there every day this week to walk. They have a great walking track that once you go around 8 times you have walked a mile. It's really been fun. I plan on using the pool and also starting on some of the machines to help me out with my abs and my "bye-bye" arms.

I went to my Podiatrist yesterday for a follow-up appt. with my foot. If you don't remember I have a condition called Neuroma, which is a swollen nerve. My doctor had me on anti-inflammatory medication which works great when I'm on the meds but once I complete them the nerve swells again and it causes me pain at the ball of my foot when I walk. So he decided this time to give me an injection of steroid in the nerve. This process seems to be working fine so far. My foot feels great today but we will have to see how it goes. If this doesn't work then the next step is to surgically remove the nerve. I don't know if I want to do that. I may need to go to another Podiatrist to get a second opinion. I will keep you updated.

Well, that's about all that is going on up here. Have a good weekend. Take care.

1 comment:

Tina said...

You go GIRL! I need to get my rear in gear for some exercise as well! And I don't think I would have the surgery either before another opinion