Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is the snow coming??????


I guess there's a bad snow storm on the way.  We hear on one TV station that were going to get 3-6 inches and on another station their saying were only going to get 1-3 inches.  So who knows????  To be safe though, Bob and I, went grocery shopping this morning and we decided were going to hibernate for the next couple days whether we get the snow or not.  Sounds good to me!!

Buckeye Chuck (our local groundhog) predicted the opposite of Punxsutawney Phil this year and said that spring is coming early.  It will be interesting to see who gets it right. 

I got my haircut yesterday.  She gave me lot of short layers which will give it body and right now it just barely touches my shoulders.  I was amazed at the pile of hair in the floor.  It was also a little scary.  It's too short for me but it will be fine once it grows out a little. 

That's about all that is going on.  Take care and I hope the one's in the path of the coming storm aren't hit too bad.  Be careful and be safe.


Tina said...

Buckeye Chuck eh? So take a pic of your knew hairdo!! Enjoy your hibernation!

JOY said...

I feel sorry for the groundhog. They drag him out of his warm shelter and shine a light over his head (because it is cloudy and no sunshine) so he can say yep, gonna be baaaaad weather. lol :)