Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I wanted to update everyone on my appointment with my new Podiatrist yesterday. They took X-rays and she said all my bones looked fine. She confirmed that I do have a Neuroma and the other doctor I was going to told me they didn't know what causes a Neuroma but my new doctor told me yesterday that a Neuroma is caused by wearing your shoes to tight or by wearing high heels. She said on your foot in between the bones is the nerves and they are in a very cramped space. If your shoes are too snug then the bones of your foot are pushed together which squeezes up against the nerve and irritates it and that causes it to become inflamed. Also, if you wear high heels a lot then the pressure on the ball of your foot can also cause the Neuroma.

I don't wear high heels and I didn't think my shoes were too tight but I went out today and bought a new pair and I paid close attention to how much room my feet have. She said to make sure I can freely wiggle my toes and I can. Anyway, I told her my other doctor had tried the inflammatory medication and also a Steroid shot and they didn't work so she had another treatment that we tried. She gave me a shot that has alcohol in it and some other drugs. She said that I am to get one shot a week up to 7 shots and over time the alcohol will numb the nerve which will stop the pain. She said she has had good success with this treatment so we will have to see if it works for me. I went to the gym this morning and Janet & I walked for 3 miles but partway through my foot starting hurting but I fought through the pain and walked all 3 miles. I just hope in the next few weeks I will be able to tell a difference.

I finally have my house all back in order. It was nice to put all the furniture back where it goes and also to get the house cleaned up. It's amazing the difference in this house. All of the white trim and doors looks so good.

That's about all that is happening up here. Valentines Day is coming up. I hope everyone has a nice day with their sweetie. Take care.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Hope the alcohol starts helping your foot!!