Monday, March 1, 2010

It's March...

Is it just me or is this year flying by?  Can't believe it's already March.  We are still having snow in Central Ohio.  Supposed to get more in the next few days.
Of course, on one of the coldest mornings this past week I get up and it's really chilly in the house.  I checked the thermostat and the temperature was lower than it should have been.  We usually keep the furnace set at 68 during the day and 65 at night.  Well, the thermostat was saying it was 63 degrees.  Brrrrr!!!  We ended up calling in a repairman and it turns out the Inducer wasn't working.  The Inducer is responsible for closing/opening the flu and also igniting the gas burners.  Once it was replaced we had heat again. Thank you, Mr. Repairman!!!!

I hurt my back at the gym on Thursday...Not sure exactly what I did but it felt a little irritated towards the end of my workout and later on after I got home it just got worse and worse.  I went to my Chiropractor and he said I slightly turned my lower back.  So, for now I can only walk at the gym.  I just started two new classes.  One is a weight lifting class and the other is a cardio class.  I really hate missing them but I have to take care of my back.  So for now I am applying ice for 20 minutes every hour and trying not to do anything to aggravate it.  So frustrating!!!

Sorry, but I couldn't find a picture of a female with backpain. That's the best I could do!!

I have my diet group this evening...not looking forward to those scales.  I haven't done well at all this week.  Oh, well, I will just try harder starting tomorrow. 
Better go.  Have a nice day.


Tina said...

Hope your back gets better soon! I know it is so frustrating when you want to do something but you can't. You are doing great though!! Take care!

JOY said...

I am sorry you hurt your back. thank goodness you have your own chiropractor! take it easy for a while. Walking is better than doing nothing. You are doing very well on your weight loss. I am proud of you!