Sunday, January 31, 2010

New picture of me!!!

Here's a picture Bob took of me yesterday.  I've
lost 56 pounds so far!!! Still have more to go
but I'm slowly getting there.
Take care!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's tea time!

Sorry it's been a while since I updated.  Time just goes by so quickly.  Not a lot has happened but there are a couple things I wanted to share.  I attended my first tea party a few days ago.  A couple women at church decided to get together and plan the event.  I hadn't been to the person's house where it was held so it was nice to see where she lives.  There was about 30 of us that came which was a great turnout for the size of her home. 

It just so happened the event was being held on a Monday evening, which is the same evening we have our diet group at church.  So all of us in the diet group decided we would come up to the church and weigh in then ride over together to the tea party.  When we arrived we were told to choose a colored disk and put it in our pocket.  They had red, green and blue.  Of course, since green is my favorite color that is the one I chose.  Once everyone arrived they told us to go to the room that corresponds with the color disk we chose.  The green room was in the basement so that was where I headed.  They had a organ set up and one of our members at church was playing music.  There was desserts (2 different cheese cakes) in this room along with several selections of tea.  They also served the tea in real china.  Pretty nice, huh!  We drank our tea and ate until a bell rang and then we switched rooms.  This time I went to the kitchen which was the blue room.  In this room there was more tea, scones and blueberry cookies.  Here we took a ball of yarn and one person started a story and had to continue telling the story until they ran out of their color of yarn, (each color was about 5 feet long) then they passed the yarn to the next person who had to continue the story.  Very entertaining and funny!!

After we finished there we went to the red room.  In this room they had cookies and more tea.  The host in this room read poetry to us that a couple members of our church had written and we chatted.  Then all 3 groups met together in the basement and we picked a person and said why we appreciate that person and we had a drawing for door prizes.  I won some Bath & Body lotion.  After that we all went home.  This was my first tea party and it was so much fun.  I got to mingle with people that I see at church for a few minutes each service but I really didn't know well.  It was really a fun time.

I just finished studying the book of Esther with my next door neighbors.  I've read the book of Esther several times but we did a indepth study with Beth Moore who has a DVD series out on the book.  There is a lot more to that book then I ever imagined.  What courage Esther had in such a difficult time.  She was amazing!  We are starting a new series on the men in the book of Genesis around the first of March.  I'm looking forward to learning more about these great people.

That's about all that is going on up here in Marion, OH.  Take care and have a nice day.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good evening!

It's been a few days since I updated so I thought I would post a short note.  Not a lot going on up here in Ohio.  We've had a lot of snow but it's starting to warm up so the snow is melting.  Good thing because I am really getting tired of shoveling the driveway.  It's good exercise but I've done it everyday for the past week. 

I'm still going to the gym everyday.  The cardio class is going well.  It's such a good workout.  We do walking, jogging, side shuffles, suicides, ab exercises, jump rope, bands and the exercise ball.  We get our heart rate up for a few minutes then take it back down which is supposed to really get the metabolism going.  I want to lose more weight but I also want to tone.  So I hope all of this works.  I'm also doing a weight lifting class.  It's going to also help with the toning.

That's about all that is going on.  Take care.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The new year is here!


Well, 2010 is here...So unbelievable.  It's hard to believe it's already been a decade since we welcomed in the year 2000.  Where does all the time go??  Bob and I went to the Marion pop-n-drop New Years Eve.  It's our town's own ball drop.  There wasn't as many people there as last year but it was nice.  We also enjoyed a very relaxing weekend.  I didn't step out of my house on New Years day or the day after.  Every year I record Christmas movies so I spent those two days watching movies.  I believe I have about 5 more movies to go.  Guess what I will be doing Saturday afternoon?

At the gym today I started a new class called "Cardio workout."  I had a feeling it was going to be tough and was I ever right.  For the whole hour we did different exercises to raise and lower our heart rate.  I sweated more today than I have since I started going to the gym.  We also entered a contest to see which team can lose the most weight in the next 7 weeks.  I am on team "black".  So far there are a total of 11 people participating.  They hope to sign up more.  We weighed in today and then we will be weighing in every Thursday.  I have my diet group this evening.  We didn't meet last Monday night so it will be interesting to see how everyone has done over the holidays.  For the next 7 weeks I will be weighing in twice a week, on Monday and Thursdays.  That should really help me be good with my diet.  I hope so anyway!!

Take care and stay warm.