Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holiday Season

I hope everyone had a nice holiday...Ours was very good.  Bob and I lounged around Christmas Eve and ate.  Of course we ate too much junk, but hey, what is the holiday for, huh!!!  Anyway, Christmas day Terry came up and we had brunch then we opened gifts.

After we got done with presents, Bob and Terry started watching football while I started dinner.  Bob did put the turkey on the grill to smoke.  It took about 5 hours and "wow" was it good.  Bobby and Benita with Robert too, got here around 4pm and we had a really nice dinner.  It was great to have them with us.  The food was very good if I say so myself.  Dessert was pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread..Do you see a theme here?

I took all my decorations down today.  I didn't put up that many this year so it didn't take me too long.  Us girls in my diet group decided we had all been way too bad over the holiday so we are giving ourselves a week off from weighing in.  Works for me!!!!!!  I wasn't at all looking forward to getting on the scales.

I headed back to the gym this morning to burn off some of the holiday calories.  It has been 4 days since I worked out so it was tough getting back into my routine.  Tomorrow should be better.

I want to wish everyone a very happy new year.  Take care and be careful if you are out on the roads.  There are a lot of crazy drivers out there.  See ya later!


Tina said...

Sounds like you all had a yummy dinner. Never smoked a turkey on a grill. I bet that was good! You have did a really good job with your diet!

JOY said...

I am happy we all had a great Christmas. It means a lot when family comes home. Take care and God bless you, Teresa. I am proud of your accomplishments!

Love you,