Monday, September 21, 2009

Weigh-in day.....

How is everyone? It's Monday, so you all know what that means......It's weigh-in day! Not sure what the scales are going to say this time. Bob and I went to Cincinnati on Tuesday and visited with his parents. We had a great time at the Cincinnati Reds game but of course we ate items we should not have eaten. We stopped at Cracker Barrel on the way home on Wednesday for lunch and I did very well there. The only other day I ate things I should not have was yesterday. Myself and three other women from church had a baby shower for a fellow members daughter. I tried to do well but I did eat a piece of cake. I'm not a big fan of cake but everyone was talking about how good it was so of course I had to have some....Where is the self control when you need it!!!!!
Anyway, I will be sure to let you all know what the scales say this evening. Wish me luck!!!!! Take care.

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