Monday, January 4, 2010

The new year is here!


Well, 2010 is here...So unbelievable.  It's hard to believe it's already been a decade since we welcomed in the year 2000.  Where does all the time go??  Bob and I went to the Marion pop-n-drop New Years Eve.  It's our town's own ball drop.  There wasn't as many people there as last year but it was nice.  We also enjoyed a very relaxing weekend.  I didn't step out of my house on New Years day or the day after.  Every year I record Christmas movies so I spent those two days watching movies.  I believe I have about 5 more movies to go.  Guess what I will be doing Saturday afternoon?

At the gym today I started a new class called "Cardio workout."  I had a feeling it was going to be tough and was I ever right.  For the whole hour we did different exercises to raise and lower our heart rate.  I sweated more today than I have since I started going to the gym.  We also entered a contest to see which team can lose the most weight in the next 7 weeks.  I am on team "black".  So far there are a total of 11 people participating.  They hope to sign up more.  We weighed in today and then we will be weighing in every Thursday.  I have my diet group this evening.  We didn't meet last Monday night so it will be interesting to see how everyone has done over the holidays.  For the next 7 weeks I will be weighing in twice a week, on Monday and Thursdays.  That should really help me be good with my diet.  I hope so anyway!!

Take care and stay warm.


JOY said...

Oh, wow! I bet you were sore! The workout will absolutely burn more weight! Good job girl!

Tina said...

Sounds like fun! I am glad you have groups to join that will keep you encouraged.