Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Tuesday.....


I hope everyone is having a good day. Mine has been pretty busy. We've had very cool temperatures up here the last couple days so I decided to take advantage of that and work outside. So after Bob left for work this morning I pulled weeds and sprayed weed killer in all of my flower beds. While I was out there I also took care of some watering. It was great to be outside and not be miserable because of the heat or the pesty mosquito's.

Bob is heading for Crawfordsville, Indiana this afternoon so I also cleaned out the truck and vacuumed it for him. Aren't I a nice wife.....:) He has to attend an Environmental Managers meeting so he won't be back home until Friday evening. I usually have a project planned when he is gone but this week my schedule is clear. I'm not sure what I'm going to get into but I'm pretty sure I will find something to keep me busy.

In my last post I mentioned we were having a tree removed in our backyard. Well, they were able to get the tree down and also trim up several other trees for us. We have taken down 8 trees so far. There are still 6 trees left and we plan on keeping those. Even though we have taken down so many trees there is still shade in our yard at different times of the day. But before we took down the previous trees we had a lot of problems getting grass to grow because the whole yard was pretty much in shade all the time. It definitely looks a lot better now.

I got my hair cut. I won't let the person who cuts my hair go any shorter than my shoulders but we did put really short layers in it this time. Right now the layers are a little shorter than I like but it looks a lot healthier and it's full of body. It was amazing the pile of hair on the floor when she got done. I didn't realize it had gotten so long.

Mel, thanks for sending me the picture of the Orange Park, FL sign. That definitely brings back memories.

I went back to my Podiatrist yesterday for my follow-up appointment. The last few days my foot has been slightly bothering me again so he put me back on the anti-inflammatory medication. It does feel better today. Not sure what is causing this nerve to swell but there is other treatments he can do but he is hoping the medication will totally take care of it. I guess we will see.

Well, I didn't mean to write a book today. I guess there's been a lot going on. Have a good day.


Wanna B Losing said...

Hope your foot feels better! I got my hair cut too.. about a foot of it! It looks so much healthier!

Wanna B Losing said...

I have a blog on here just for my weight loss... you can check it out. I probably won't post in it daily but at least weekly.